
Oldenburg GOV - Mare
Quinevere Trot 400
Quinevere Jump 400
Quinevere Conf 400
  • Sold – Congratulations Quin on your new home in Colorado!
  • 2016 Mare – Oldenburg GOV
  • Quinevere by Franziskus x Queen High (Birdonawire/Gumboy)
  • Striking bay Oldenburg GOV mare with full chrome! 16.0hh, we expect her to finish at 16.2
  • Elegant and leggy with an uphill build, she moves with fluid ground covering movement and a fabulous canter! She was awarded ‘Premium Foal’ at her Oldenburg test. Uncomplicated and solid training/schooling first level under saddle, this mare’s superstar talent lies in jumping! Super scope and form! Jumpers, or maybe an upper level eventer This gal is bold and clever with distances in the jump chute and has scope to spare jumping 5′ oxer. People oriented, confident, fun to ride, very safe and light to the aids, extremely tractable and willing. AA/JR rider temperament but pro-talent for the jumpers! No vices. Baseline radiographs on file.


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