Over 160 USDF Medals Earned by Kari's Students

USDF Rider Medal Achievements

Kari is very proud of her students, both those she teaches regularly at Miari, and those she sees monthly at clinics, who have earned the prestigious United States Dressage Federation’s Rider Medals. These medals represent a rider’s achievement in proficiency through the levels. Kari’s uses a holistic approach to her training program based on her classical dressage background and developed over many years successfully teaching and training a multitude of riders and horses. As you can see by the USDF awards list here, Kari’s teaching methodology is proven and has provided her students with a solid basis of knowledge and understanding of their relationship with their horse providing them the skills to achieve this coveted national rider recognition. To date, Kari’s students have earned over 160 USDF medals on an astonishing mix of breeds!

USDF Gold Medal Awards

For Nationally recognized achievement at the Intermediaire & Grand Prix Levels

  1. Lindsey Anderson-O’Keefe (Tigris, QH) 1997
  2. Kari McClain (Moretti, Thoroughbred) – 2000
  3. Heather O’Keefe (Chivalric, QH, Appaloosa, Paint) – 2000
  4. Patty Russell (Balaton, Hungarian) – 2001
  5. Beth Anderson-Ness (Herbst Starr, Danish & Cabare, Swedish) – 2002
  6. Mike Osinski – 2002
  7. Anne Appleby (Wez, Norwegian Fjord) – 2004
  8. Bob Chapeski (Brillar, QH) – 2008
  9. Olivia Chapeski (Joust, Dutch) – 2008
  10. Chris Trevino (Sypher, QH-Trakehner) – 2008
  11. Jessica Wisdom (North Forks Cardi, Welsh Cob) – 2012

USDF Silver Medal Awards

For Nationally recognized achievement at 4th Level & Prix St. Georges

  1. Kari McClain (Meade’s Half Penny, Appaloosa) – 1984
  2. Kendra Carnes (Thriller, Appaloosa) – 1992
  3. Heather O’Keefe (Chivalric, TB/Paint/Appaloosa cross) – 1992
  4. Christel Carlson (Morpheus, Holsteiner) – 1993
  5. Robin Carnes (Blue Cheers, TB) – 1993
  6. Anne Appleby (Wez, Norwegian Fjord) – 1993
  7. Norah Stansberry (Wicca, Trakehner) – 1995
  8. Amie DeLatuer (Buford Smallwood, TB) – 1995
  9. Patty Russell, (Balaton, Hungarian) – 1996
  10. Beth Anderson-Ness (Herbst Starr, Danish & Cabare, Swedish) – 1996
  11. Chris Trevino (Sypher, Trakehner, Paint cross) – 1997
  12. Jeanne Gaudreau (Baha Bask-Arabian)-1997
  13. Mary Vail (Tiberious, TB) – 1997
  14. Bob Chapeski (Brilliar, QH & Jamaica, TB) – 1998
  15. Lisa Stewart (Tough Eagle, Appaloosa) – 1998
  16. Brooke Irving-Martz (American Graffiti, Appaloosa) – 1998
  17. Luanne Stark (Cotulla, TB) – 1998
  18. Michael Etherly (Icon & Katalina, Holsteiner) – 2000
  19. Lindsey Anderson-O’Keefe (Tigris, QH) – 2000
  20. Nicki Charbonneau (Silhouette In Time, TB) – 2001
  21. Kelly Irving-Burris (American Graffiti, Appaloosa) – 2002
  22. Olivia Chapeski (Joust, Dutch) – 2003
  23. Erin Katona-Morris (Zoltan, Trakehner) – 2003
  24. Hillary Allen-Kissick (Cabare, Swedish & Balaton, Hungarian) – 2003
  25. Natalie Perry (Rubina, Westfalian) – 2003
  26. Jill Seely (Golden Boy, Hungarian) – 2004
  27. Amy Granly (Lovallo, Hanoverian) – 2005
  28. Taryn Yates (Orisis, Dutch) – 2005
  29. Laura Nixon (Fabio, Hanovarian) – 2006
  30. Mary Jo Kapust (Madrona, Oldenburg) – 2007
  31. Julie Dybbro (Shatar, Anglo-Arab) – 2007
  32. Mercedes Eckroth (Tivoli Garden, Danish) – 2010
  33. Shelly Johnson (Dynastar – Appaloosa) – 2012
  34. Jessica Wisdom (North Forks Brenin Cardi-Welsh Cob)-2012
  35. Carol Mavros (First Dance-National Show Horse)-2015
  36. Meg Brinton (Rosenstrauss-Polish Warmblood)-2015
  37. Piper Newman (Whats Up-Dutch)-2016
  38. Jann Rappe (Joss-Arabian X Quarter Horse)-2016
  39. Amanda Wilgenburg (Nash, Dutch & Tuscany, Oldenburg)-2017
  40. Nicole Grous: (Phoenix, Danish)-2017
  41. Peter Rothschild: (Enigma, Arabian/Hannoverian)-2017
  42. Jo Renn (Tuscany, Oldenburg)-2017
  43. Kassie Knaeble (Phoenix, Danish) – 2017
  44. Tina Hansen (Refire, TB; What a Girl, Hanoverian)-2017
  45. Molly Akers (Zion, Dutch Harness; Enya Dutch)-2018

USDF Bronze Medal Awards

For Nationally recognized achievement at 1st through 3rd Levels

  1. Kari McClain (Meade’s Half Penny, Appaloosa) – 1981
  2. Anna Hurd-Bachand (Royal Alert, TB) – 1986
  3. Pat Kabasa (Casey, TB) – 1987
  4. Luanne Stark (Clouded Image, Appaloosa) – 1987
  5. Kendra Carnes (Thriller, Appaloosa) – 1989
  6. Anne Appleby (Wez, Norwegion Fjiord) – 1989
  7. Andrea Morris (Pappi Jay Bird, TB) – 1989
  8. Patty Russell (Special Reality, TB) – 1990
  9. Robin Carnes (Blue Cheers, TB) – 1990
  10. Hillary Allen-Kissick (Tarten Anglo-Arab & Balaton, Hungarian) – 1990
  11. Christel Carlson (Morpheus, Holsteiner) – 1991
  12. Heather O’Keefe (Chivalric, QH, Appaloosa, Paint cross) – 1992
  13. Eileen Seely (Myty Tide, TB) – 1992
  14. Amie DeLatuer-Denny (Buford Smallwood, TB) – 1992
  15. Norah Stansberry (Wicca, Trakehner) – 1992
  16. Paula Galloway (Irish Cream, Appaloosa) – 1993
  17. Mary Brady (Bally Miss, TB) – 1994
  18. Chris Trevino (Sypher, Paint/Trakehner/QH) – 1994
  19. Jeanne Gaudreau (Baha Bask, Arabian & RR Daaroz, Arabian) – 1994
  20. Beth Anderson-Ness (Herbst Starr, Danish & Cabare, Swedish) – 1995
  21. Bob Chapeski (Brillar, QH & Cannonball, QH & Jamaica, TB) – 1995
  22. Jann Rappe (Lieb und Seele, Arabian) – 1995
  23. Michael Etherly (Phirst Solo, Oldenburg) – 1996
  24. Jill Seely (Seattle Streaker, TB & Touch of Pzazz, TB) – 1996
  25. Mary Vail (Tiberious, TB) – 1996
  26. Ania Szmorlinski (Phantasm, TB) – 1996
  27. Lindsey Anderson-O’Keefe (Tigris, QH & Cartoonist, Dutch) – 1997
  28. Dianna Roskovich (Apache Many Penny, Appaloosa, & Zerox, Swedish) – 1997
  29. Lisa Stewart ( Tough Eagle-Appaloosa), Sir Valentino-Appaloosa)-1998
  30. Nicki Charbonneau (Silhouette In Time, TB) – 1998
  31. Andrea Kary (Wind River, Trakehner) – 1999
  32. Tina Hansen (Refire, TB) – 2001
  33. Jennifer Williams-Lundberg (Shatar, Anglo-Arabian) – 2001
  34. Erin Katona-Morris (Zoltan, Trakehner) – 2001
  35. Olivia Chapeski ( Blac Harmonee, QH & Joust, Dutch) – 2002
  36. Natalie Perry ( Whiskey, QH & Rubina, Westfalen) – 2002
  37. Kelly Irving-Burris (Feature Attraction, Mahron) – 2002
  38. Meaghan Fisher-Markham (Jetaranamo, Paint & Elliot Be, TB) – 2002
  39. Laura Nixon (Wanderer, Hanoverian) – 2002
  40. Julie Dybbro (Shatar, Anglo-Arabian) – 2003
  41. Shannon Goff (Luminaire, Pinto & Nice Touch, Dutch) – 2003
  42. Anne Montgomery (Aztec, Arabian/Appolosa & Lenaar, Holsteiner) – 2003
  43. Taryrn Yates (Pegasus,POA & Isis, Dutch) – 2003
  44. Lindsay Dalby (Creme Batida, Pinto Pony) – 2003
  45. Merilee Malcom ( Montana Patton, Paint & Meister, Trakehner) – 2003
  46. Roxanne Trunnell (Nairobi, Dutch) – 2003
  47. Shelly Johnson (Suzyn’s Sympatico, Hanoverian & Dynast Starr, Appaloosa/Hanoverian) – 2005
  48. Amy Granly (Lovallo, Hanoverian) – 2005
  49. Mercedes Eckroth (Madrona, Oldenburg & Maserati, Oldenburg & Tivoli Garden, Danish) – 2006
  50. Amanda Wilgenburg (Apollo, Oldenburg & Sterling, Swedish & Ciro, Swedish & Oragami, Oldeburg) – 2008
  51. Susan Merian-Tresch (Robin, TB) – 2008
  52. Sammi Thompson (Valentine, TB) – 2009
  53. Meredith Crawford (Fergus, TB & Herbst Starr, Danish & Prestige, Dutch) – 2009
  54. McKenzie Lane-Powers (Teddy, QH & Misha, Norwegian Fjord) – 2009
  55. Carolyn Bellamuh (Pikachu, Hanoverian) – 2009
  56. Kim Tebrugge (Woodstock, Hungarian)-2011
  57. Kelle Hammock (Stepping Lightly, Rhinelander) – 2010
  58. Jessica Wisdom (Northforks Brenin Cardi, Welsh Cob)-2010
  59. Carol Mavros (First Dance, National Show Horse)-2013
  60. Marion Dressel-O’Conner (Karat, Hanoverian) 2013
  61. Jennifer Madden (Shatar, Anglo Arabian) – 2014
  62. Jan Ward (CJ One For the Money, Arabian) -2014
  63. Ashley Preston (Clyde, Clydesdale; Orson, Draft Cross)-2015
  64. Lauren Campbell (Gabrielle, Lipizzan/Arabian)-2015
  65. Piper Newman (Whats Up, Dutch)-2015
  66. Lori Elverund (Feldspar, Hanoverian; Driftin Red Frostin, Quarter Horse)-2015
  67. Jo Renn (Apollo, Oldenburg; Tuscany, Oldenburg) -2016
  68. Carrie Gregory (Cutter, Paint & Hummer Time Hanoverian) – 2016
  69. Rachel Marie (Leopold, Lipizzaner: Hot Rod Lincoln, Arab/Saddle Bred, Beowulf, Swedish) – 2017
  70. Kassie Knaebel (Phoenix, Danish Warmblood) – 2017
  71. Rick Edwards (Bergama, Percheron/TB & Beowulf, Swedish) – 2017
  72. Erica Bliss (Woden, Hungarian; Odie, GRP) – 2017
  73. Kim Lennox (Foster, Draft Cross; Darby, Shire/Saddlebred) – 2017
  74. Traci Viers (Sunshine, Hanoverian; Northforks Cardi, Welsh Cob) – 2017
  75. Julie Paddock (Emma, Paint) – 2017
  76. Ruth Murray (Seniorita, Dutch) – 2017
  77. Molly Akers (Mineweaver, TB; Enya, Dutch)-2018
  78. Miguel Latimer (Dominic, Dutch)-2019
  79. Tabitha Hopp (Enigma, Hanoverian/Arabian)-2020
  80. Allison Sparks(Mistic Mojo, TB; Rio Diamonte, Hanoverian)-2020

Gold Freestyle Bars

For Nationally recognized achievement at the Intermediaire & Grand Prix Levels

  1. Kari McClain 2010
  2. Jessica Wisdom 2013
  3. Anne Appleby 2014
  4. Mike Osinski 2014
  5. Olivia Chapeski 2017

Silver Freestyle Bars

For Nationally recognized achievement at 4th & Prix St. Georges Levels

  1. Kari McClain 2010
  2. Mike Osinski 2010
  3. Anne Appleby 2012
  4. Olivia Chaspeski 2013
  5. Nicki Charbonneau 2013
  6. Hillary Allen-Kissick 2016
  7. Jann Rappe 2017

Bronze Freestyle Bars

For Nationally recognized achievement at 1st through 3rd Levels

  1. Kari McClain 2011
  2. Mike Osinski 2011
  3. Betty Findley 2013
  4. Suzanne Frahm 2013
  5. Julie Dybbro 2014
  6. Anne Appleby 2014
  7. Nicki Charbonneau 2015
  8. Olivia Chapeski 2016
  9. Hillary Allen-Kissick 2016
  10. Jann Rappe 2017
  11. Molly Akers (Mineweaver, TB; Enya, Dutch) 2018
  12. Peter Rothschild (Enigma, Hanoverian/Arabian) 2018

Masters Challenge Awards

For Nationally recognized achievement at each level – 1st through FEI Levels

  1. Jann Rappe 2014
  2. Jann Rappe 2015
  3. Jann Rappe 2015 (yes, twice that year, two levels!)
  4. Peter Rothschild 2017