Foal Training
Foal and Young Horse Training
We are proud of our highly successful and proven handling and training program for our foals and young horses which has resulted in well adjusted and behaved youngsters who are well on their way to developing the skills they need to become future riding partners and show horses!
All Miari, youngsters are handled regularly from birth. Additionally, throughout their life at Miari, they will have received regular feet trimming, vaccinations, teeth floating, carefully monitored high quality and nutritionally balanced feed, and regular deworming. They will have been registered with a European juried registry, and probably have shown at a testing, and perhaps some in hand sport horse shows, as well.
Foals are handled minimum twice a day for the first 5-7 months of their lives. They will have been taught to lead and to be shown in hand, clipped, bathed, accept spray bottles, be vacuumed and groomed, loaded in the trailer and taught to back out, walked over poles and tarps, and to have their feet and legs handled. They will be used to both being in a stall, and to turnout and socialization with other youngsters and mares. They will have also spent a few nights away from home with their moms to learn about traveling and feeling comfortable in a new place.
Yearlings will be used to living outside in a group pasture situation where they can frolic and be horses. They will continue regular handling, practice more trailer loading and unloading, and will additionally have been taught how to tie. They may also do some showing in hand.
Two year olds will be started lightly at the end of their 2yr old year, learning to longe, accept tack, stand while being mounted, and to be ridden in the walk, trot and canter under saddle in the indoor and outdoor arenas, for about a month total before they are turned out again to further grow and develop.
3 to 4 year olds: Depending upon their individual rates of physical and emotional maturity, the youngsters will be brought in to review their previous under saddle lessons and to begin getting in shape to start progressing towards their future under saddle careers. They will be taught to go through a jump chute. They will be worked 2-3 times a week lightly, and may be shown some under saddle in before finding their new homes.

Provide Guidance & Support
At Miari Stables, Kari McClain has developed an integrated holistic approach to building a breeding program. The Miari Program provides guidance proven prenatal care, foaling and training from day one until they depart for their new home.
Diligent Care
Each foal is cared for by our well trained and observant staff. Foals, weanlings, yearlings and youngsters alike are looked after and administered to as is appropriate for their age. All are monitored for health and soundness regularly.
Outstanding Pedigrees
It starts with a pedigree, doesn’t it? Like developing a fine wine, Kari matches her intimate knowledge of her mares’ bloodlines, conformation, temperament, and movement to the stallions she feels will best complement them to produce an exceptional youngster. Miari horses have garnered awards and accolades from breed shows and registry inspections for being some of the best young sport horses in the country. She feels great accomplishment seeing many of them progress through the levels in their chosen sport.